Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 2 Learning Journal Post

Social media class gets personal!

That's right, my class in "social media for social change"at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute met this past weekend, and we dug right in. We spent the first week getting introduced to a number of tools, concepts, and grounding theories that define, explore and add meaning to the "social" part of "social media". And then, right after disclosing our personal reasons for avoiding the spotlight of social media, we jumped right in.

It turns out many of the reservations and concerns about developing an online presence are shared by fellow students. Some of them are real, some perceived, and many risks can be managed. But in the end, it turns out that in order to affect change online, you need an online presence and a reputation.Whether the change is as local and personal as finding a new job, or as big as creating positive change in the world, an online presence is a calling card, and brand and reputation are the foundation of credibility that attracts readership. After all, if my readership never expands beyond Chris, Ellyn,and Miriam who are tasked with monitoring this blog, then I am not making much use of an amazing opportunity to create change.

I am so happy of the chance to discover and play and experiment in this safe place as I tip-toe my way into the world of personal branding, social media, and tapping into the power of transformation, choice, and change.

Here are a couple of my Delicious links related to personal branding and reputation.

1. One blogger's slightly negative view of personal branding. While I tend to agree with her fears about the downside of letting brand dictate reality, I disagree with her conclusion. As I begin to overcome my initial reluctance, I am embracing the idea that it is in my own best interest to design and define the image I want to project, and that clarity and consistency help others understand what I am about.

2. Nice tool that checks username availability on multiple sites in one step. Useful if you want to have a consistent presence.

3. 14 Things to Add to Your Online Personal Brand Building Toolkit

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